2024 PNW Arizona Sun Pro-Am Tee Sheet

Round 3 - Wed, December 11

We-Ko-Pa- Saguaro
Time Players
We-Ko-Pa- Saguaro
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Ables, Bill Alpine Meadows
8:10 AM Saguaro-White Ables, Clint - Chervenell, Gary - Hoglen, Ron - Kimball, Jerry
Ables, Clint Zintel Creek Golf Club
8:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Ables, Bill - Chervenell, Gary - Hoglen, Ron - Kimball, Jerry
Adams, Mark Riverside Golf & Country Club
10:10 AM Saguaro-White Chiddick, Andre - Holtmann, John - Jolly, Brian - Loy, Brian
Aichele, Jason Meadow Springs Country Club
10:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Czebotar, Tony - Wagner, Gary - Watkins, Clark - Wood, Paul
Bachmeier, Gary Maplewood Golf Course
9:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Gleason, Kirk - James, Dave - Patterson, Don - Patterson, Mike
Bensel, Chris Charbonneau Golf Club
8:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Dversdal, Jon - Gibbons, Jim - Harp, Gene - Toma, Jim
Benson, Jordan Arizona GC
10:20 AM Saguaro-White Donahue, Bradley - Graham, Tony - Key, Austin - Peterson, Danny
Beutler, John Hayden Lake G & CC
8:40 AM Saguaro-White DeLong, Mike - Polito, Tom - Potter, Doug - Thacker, Dan
Bryan, Jeff Missoula Country Club
10:40 AM Saguaro-White Cannon, Rick - Hauser, Jason - Nowlen, Christopher - Wardell, Troy
Cabot, Daniel Maplewood Golf Course
8:30 AM Saguaro-Purple McCollim, Ken - Montgomery, Tanner - Skay, Cody - Williams, Gordon
Callahan, Mike Avondale Golf Club
9:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Grubb, Fred - Harrison, Eric - Johnson, Kevin - Westphal, Austin
Cannon, Rick Missoula Country Club
10:40 AM Saguaro-White Bryan, Jeff - Hauser, Jason - Nowlen, Christopher - Wardell, Troy
Chervenell, Gary Zintel Creek Golf Club
8:10 AM Saguaro-White Ables, Bill - Ables, Clint - Hoglen, Ron - Kimball, Jerry
Chiddick, Andre Riverside Golf & Country Club
10:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Adams, Mark - Holtmann, John - Jolly, Brian - Loy, Brian
Coatsworth, Andrew The Home Course
9:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Djoe, Christian - Matson, Brandon - Savett, Macallan - Snyder, Blake
Czebotar, Tony Meadow Springs Country Club
10:30 AM Saguaro-White Aichele, Jason - Wagner, Gary - Watkins, Clark - Wood, Paul
DeLong, Mike CDA Resort
8:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Beutler, John - Polito, Tom - Potter, Doug - Thacker, Dan
Dewitte, John Avondale Golf Club
9:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Jerman, Jason - Namson, Jonah - Reynolds, Branden - Smith, Travis
Djoe, Christian Chambers Bay
9:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Coatsworth, Andrew - Matson, Brandon - Savett, Macallan - Snyder, Blake
Donahue, Bradley Suncadia Resort
10:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Benson, Jordan - Graham, Tony - Key, Austin - Peterson, Danny
Dversdal, Jon Anthem Country Club
8:50 AM Saguaro-White Bensel, Chris - Gibbons, Jim - Harp, Gene - Toma, Jim
Fleckenstein, Allen Newcastle Golf Club
8:00 AM Saguaro-White Garza, Joel - Schaffer, Ryan - Schutte, Rod - Sovay, Tom
Gadberry, Justin Avondale Golf Club
9:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Leichtnam , Peter - Lowry, Nic - Porter, Daniel - Vignale , Charlie
Garza, Joel Othello Golf Course
8:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Fleckenstein, Allen - Schaffer, Ryan - Schutte, Rod - Sovay, Tom
Gibbons, Jim Charbonneau Golf Club
8:50 AM Saguaro-Green Bensel, Chris - Dversdal, Jon - Harp, Gene - Toma, Jim
Gleason, Kirk Maplewood Golf Course
9:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Bachmeier, Gary - James, Dave - Patterson, Don - Patterson, Mike
Graham, Tony Tumble Creek
10:20 AM Saguaro-White Benson, Jordan - Donahue, Bradley - Key, Austin - Peterson, Danny
Grubb, Fred Avondale Golf Club
9:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Callahan, Mike - Harrison, Eric - Johnson, Kevin - Westphal, Austin
Harp, Gene Charbonneau Golf Club
8:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Bensel, Chris - Dversdal, Jon - Gibbons, Jim - Toma, Jim
Harrison, Eric Hayden Lake G & CC
9:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Callahan, Mike - Grubb, Fred - Johnson, Kevin - Westphal, Austin
Hauser, Jason Missoula Country Club
10:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Bryan, Jeff - Cannon, Rick - Nowlen, Christopher - Wardell, Troy
Hedstrom, Matt Green Meadow Country Club
10:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Montelius, Brandt - Montelius, Justin - Mytty, Riley - Owens, David
Hoglen, Ron Zintel Creek Golf Club
8:10 AM Saguaro-Green Ables, Bill - Ables, Clint - Chervenell, Gary - Kimball, Jerry
Holtmann, John Riverside Golf & Country Club
10:10 AM Saguaro-White Adams, Mark - Chiddick, Andre - Jolly, Brian - Loy, Brian
James, Dave Maplewood Golf Course
9:00 AM Saguaro-White Bachmeier, Gary - Gleason, Kirk - Patterson, Don - Patterson, Mike
Jerman, Jason Athol, ID
9:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Dewitte, John - Namson, Jonah - Reynolds, Branden - Smith, Travis
Johnson, Kevin Avondale Golf Club
9:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Callahan, Mike - Grubb, Fred - Harrison, Eric - Westphal, Austin
Jolly, Brian Riverside Golf & Country Club
10:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Adams, Mark - Chiddick, Andre - Holtmann, John - Loy, Brian
Key, Austin Lake Chelan Golf Course
10:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Benson, Jordan - Donahue, Bradley - Graham, Tony - Peterson, Danny
Kimball, Jerry Zintel Creek Golf Club
8:10 AM Saguaro-White Ables, Bill - Ables, Clint - Chervenell, Gary - Hoglen, Ron
Leichtnam , Peter Avondale Golf Club
9:30 AM Saguaro-White Gadberry, Justin - Lowry, Nic - Porter, Daniel - Vignale , Charlie
Lewis, Mark Moses Lake Country Club
9:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Meyer, Brady - Rowley, Mike - Shea, Bill - Wilson, Steve
Lowry, Nic Avondale Golf Club
9:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Gadberry, Justin - Leichtnam , Peter - Porter, Daniel - Vignale , Charlie
Loy, Brian Riverside Golf & Country Club
10:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Adams, Mark - Chiddick, Andre - Holtmann, John - Jolly, Brian
Maples, Dennis Maplewood Golf Course
8:20 AM Saguaro-White Maples, Mark - Marconi, Dominic - McLaren, Ron - Postma, James
Maples, Mark Maplewood Golf Course
8:20 AM Saguaro-White Maples, Dennis - Marconi, Dominic - McLaren, Ron - Postma, James
Marconi, Dominic Oregon Chapter PGA
8:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Maples, Dennis - Maples, Mark - McLaren, Ron - Postma, James
Matson, Brandon Mount Si Men's Club
9:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Coatsworth, Andrew - Djoe, Christian - Savett, Macallan - Snyder, Blake
McCollim, Ken Maplewood Golf Course
8:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Cabot, Daniel - Montgomery, Tanner - Skay, Cody - Williams, Gordon
McLaren, Ron Maplewood Golf Course
8:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Maples, Dennis - Maples, Mark - Marconi, Dominic - Postma, James
Meyer, Brady Jackson Park Golf Course
9:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Lewis, Mark - Rowley, Mike - Shea, Bill - Wilson, Steve
Montelius, Brandt Missoula Country Club
10:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Hedstrom, Matt - Montelius, Justin - Mytty, Riley - Owens, David
Montelius, Justin Missoula Country Club
10:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Hedstrom, Matt - Montelius, Brandt - Mytty, Riley - Owens, David
Montgomery, Tanner Pacific Northwest Section
8:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Cabot, Daniel - McCollim, Ken - Skay, Cody - Williams, Gordon
Mytty, Riley Missoula Country Club
10:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Hedstrom, Matt - Montelius, Brandt - Montelius, Justin - Owens, David
Namson, Jonah Avondale Golf Club
9:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Dewitte, John - Jerman, Jason - Reynolds, Branden - Smith, Travis
Nowlen, Christopher Missoula Country Club
10:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Bryan, Jeff - Cannon, Rick - Hauser, Jason - Wardell, Troy
Owens, David Missoula Country Club
10:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Hedstrom, Matt - Montelius, Brandt - Montelius, Justin - Mytty, Riley
Patterson, Don Maplewood Golf Course
9:00 AM Saguaro-White Bachmeier, Gary - Gleason, Kirk - James, Dave - Patterson, Mike
Patterson, Mike Maplewood Golf Course
9:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Bachmeier, Gary - Gleason, Kirk - James, Dave - Patterson, Don
Peterson, Danny Suncadia Resort
10:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Benson, Jordan - Donahue, Bradley - Graham, Tony - Key, Austin
Polito, Tom Lincoln Country Club
8:40 AM Saguaro-White Beutler, John - DeLong, Mike - Potter, Doug - Thacker, Dan
Porter, Daniel Avondale Golf Club
9:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Gadberry, Justin - Leichtnam , Peter - Lowry, Nic - Vignale , Charlie
Postma, James Maplewood Golf Course
8:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Maples, Dennis - Maples, Mark - Marconi, Dominic - McLaren, Ron
Potter, Doug Hayden Lake G & CC
8:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Beutler, John - DeLong, Mike - Polito, Tom - Thacker, Dan
Reynolds, Branden Hayden Lake G & CC
9:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Dewitte, John - Jerman, Jason - Namson, Jonah - Smith, Travis
Rowley, Mike Moses Lake Country Club
9:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Lewis, Mark - Meyer, Brady - Shea, Bill - Wilson, Steve
Savett, Macallan Jackson Park Golf Course
9:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Coatsworth, Andrew - Djoe, Christian - Matson, Brandon - Snyder, Blake
Schaffer, Ryan Bellevue Municipal GC
8:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Fleckenstein, Allen - Garza, Joel - Schutte, Rod - Sovay, Tom
Schutte, Rod Othello Golf Course
8:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Fleckenstein, Allen - Garza, Joel - Schaffer, Ryan - Sovay, Tom
Shea, Bill Tres Rio Golf Club
9:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Lewis, Mark - Meyer, Brady - Rowley, Mike - Wilson, Steve
Skay, Cody Deer Park Golf Club
8:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Cabot, Daniel - McCollim, Ken - Montgomery, Tanner - Williams, Gordon
Smith, Travis Hayden Lake G & CC
9:20 AM Saguaro-Purple Dewitte, John - Jerman, Jason - Namson, Jonah - Reynolds, Branden
Snyder, Blake PNW Golf Academy
9:10 AM Saguaro-Purple Coatsworth, Andrew - Djoe, Christian - Matson, Brandon - Savett, Macallan
Sovay, Tom The Golf Club @ Redmond Ridge
8:00 AM Saguaro-Purple Fleckenstein, Allen - Garza, Joel - Schaffer, Ryan - Schutte, Rod
Thacker, Dan CDA National
8:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Beutler, John - DeLong, Mike - Polito, Tom - Potter, Doug
Toma, Jim Charbonneau Golf Club
8:50 AM Saguaro-White Bensel, Chris - Dversdal, Jon - Gibbons, Jim - Harp, Gene
Vignale , Charlie Avondale Golf Club
9:30 AM Saguaro-Purple Gadberry, Justin - Leichtnam , Peter - Lowry, Nic - Porter, Daniel
Wagner, Gary Meadow Springs Country Club
10:30 AM Saguaro-White Aichele, Jason - Czebotar, Tony - Watkins, Clark - Wood, Paul
Wardell, Troy Missoula Country Club
10:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Bryan, Jeff - Cannon, Rick - Hauser, Jason - Nowlen, Christopher
Watkins, Clark Meadow Springs Country Club
10:30 AM Saguaro-White Aichele, Jason - Czebotar, Tony - Wagner, Gary - Wood, Paul
Westphal, Austin Avondale Golf Club
9:40 AM Saguaro-Purple Callahan, Mike - Grubb, Fred - Harrison, Eric - Johnson, Kevin
Williams, Gordon Southern Highlands Golf Club
8:30 AM Saguaro-White Cabot, Daniel - McCollim, Ken - Montgomery, Tanner - Skay, Cody
Wilson, Steve Cedars at Dungeness
9:50 AM Saguaro-Purple Lewis, Mark - Meyer, Brady - Rowley, Mike - Shea, Bill
Wood, Paul Meadow Springs Country Club
10:30 AM Saguaro-White Aichele, Jason - Czebotar, Tony - Wagner, Gary - Watkins, Clark